I’m passionate about running, scaling and selling businesses.

That’s why I help entrepreneurs sprint-systemize their online business, so it grows by itself and allows them to leave the day-to-day hustle to achieve greater goals. Work on your business, not in it.

Rediscover Your Business and Life.

Sprint-Systemization is designed for rapid and substantial growth, condensing a decades long growth process into less than 12 months.

We embrace the powerful combination of Vivid Vision, Hiring Heroes and Clockwork Culture — a revolutionary system that creates self-sustaining, efficient businesses. This way we create robust systems and automation that guarantee smooth operations and growth without constant oversight. We guide entrepreneurs to become leaders, fostering team autonomy and accountability, to free owners from their job and create a truly profitable, hands-off business. 

Build a team, that does the job

Being a business owner feels like having several jobs at once. Building a team that takes on these jobs changes that, but comes with a whole new set of challenges. That's why our systematic approach of Hiring Heroes attracts and identifies the right people to build a team that has all the answers to the questions you might be asking yourself right now. We then use Clockwork Culture to provide a framework for building a team that runs, optimizes and scales your business for you.

Are You Ready to Become the Leader?

Entrepreneurs have a strong desire to shape their own life - and often the lives of others. If you’re the person in the trenches, you cannot see far enough. That’s why we use proven systems to find the visionary leader inside of you. With Vivid Vision we carefully craft you greater picture and awaken the giant within, to allow for unparalleled growth - inside and out. We help you create a prosperous, balanced and fulfilling life.


KG Model Management

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Laura Timm

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Glenn van Geldorp

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“After I started working with Manuel I immediately gained clarity and focus. I was able to hire more than a dozen team members, scaled beyond seven figures and freed up my time for what matters most to me.”



The Online Business Accelerator

An elite mastermind designed to help entrepreneurs sprint-systemize their business, so it runs and scales itself to multi six figures per month without them. Watch the Free Training to learn more about Pathfinder