
The Online Business Accelerator

An elite mastermind designed to help entrepreneurs sprint-systemize their business, so it runs itself and scales to multi six figures per month without them.

We help Online Business Owners Create a Thriving Hands-off Business.

By implementing these three fundamental pillars for them:

Hiring Heroes

A strategic approach to talent acquisition, focusing on high potential individuals eager to realize your vision.

Clockwork Culture

A business operating system that ensures a self-sustaining and efficiently running organization.

Vivid Vision

Creating a framework that inspires all members of the organization to live up to the highest possible standards.

Is this you right now?

  • You have a good income but are often busy and short on time.

  • Your business stress sometimes decreases your life quality noticeably.

  • You sometimes experience moments of loneliness from working a lot.

  • You sometimes feel like you’re in a golden cage, stuck in the business, with your life adapting to your business, not the other way around.

  • Your income keeps hitting a seemingly unbreakable glass ceiling.

  • You sometimes struggle with delegating tasks, so you end up doing several peoples jobs at once.

And is this your business

  • Your business doesn’t grow beyond a certain point.

  • Your business has inconsistent revenue impacting stability.

  • Your businesses future planning and strategy is vague or non existent.

  • Your business heavily relies on you, either for day-to-day or for decision-making.

  • Your business has no employees or could benefit from them doing a better job


So here’s what we’re going to do about it

Through Pathfinder™ - The Online Business Accelerator, we condense the decade’s long entrepreneurial journey ahead of you into less than a year. We foster exceptional growth through systems, expertise and companionship. Pathfinder is an elite mastermind designed to help entrepreneurs sprint-systemize their business, so it runs itself and scales to multi six figures per month without them.

In Pathfinder™ you'll find solutions to both personal and business challenges, so we can streamline your operations. This will allow you to focus on what you do best and reduce stress. You'll learn how to create a Vivid Vision, Clockwork Culture and how to Hire Heroes. This leads to effective delegation, turning your golden cage into a fulfilling business, growing into a multi seven figure income per year.

Pathfinder™ stabilizes your revenue streams and facilitates growth beyond your current limitations. You'll learn to systemize and hand over your operations, reducing your daily work as well as decision-making load. Allowing for you to work on the business, not inside of it. This ensures sustainable, scalable growth and business tailored to you, your life and your desires.

Do you dare to embrace your weaknesses and transform them into strengths?

If you want to know whether you’re ready to embark on this life changing journey with us, ask yourself these five questions:

  1. Can I admit something has to change right now?

  2. Can I admit what’s holding me back is not outside of me, but inside?

  3. Can I admit I need/want help, because it is not good enough as it is?

  4. Can I trust a proven process and commit to following it, no matter what?

  5. Am I willing to help a another person in the mastermind do the same?

If you just caught yourself thinking ‘Yes’ 5 times, you’re ready to experience what it feels like to unlock your full potential, by implementing the tools and methods Market Leaders use to build thriving businesses all around the world.

The Process

1) Free Business Analysis: One on one with your personal consultant (60 minutes, online)

2) Join Pathfinder™ if deemed a great fit (improved chance if other members vouch for you)

3) Kick-Off Call (60 minutes, online, one one one)

4) Daily access to the full Pathfinder™ Suite, including customized resource kits, all trainings, tools and other members.

5) Weekly guidance by a seasoned Pathfinder™ or Market Leader.

6) Monthly Strategy Workshops (4 hours, online, group)

7) Quarterly Business Scaling Session (60 minutes, online, one on one)

8) Yearly Mastermind Event (Full day, in person)

9) Full access to a network of industry experts and market leaders

10) Allowed to continue another year of membership without re-applying.

11) Select members get invited to the circle by Manuel Gonzalez.

and what you’ll experience


We'll take a close look at where you're at personally and professionally, map out a growth strategy that fits you and your business, and do a friendly vibe check to ensure you'll resonate with our community members.


We assist you in integrating all concepts into your current business model, guaranteeing uninterrupted operational flow. Together we shape your Vivid Vision and Clockwork Culture, paving the way to implement the Hiring Heroes concept in the following phase.


This phase is all about execution. We apply the learnings and creations from earlier phases, setting up efficient processes and automations and start Hiring Heroes. With the Pathfinder™ Suite's resources we evolve your venture into a fully-fledged business. This is where life changing experiences happen, game-changing systems get implemented, and your daily tasks will be passed to your team - slowly removing yourself from day-to-day operations.


We start introducing scale to your standardized and streamlined operations, propelling you towards market leadership. As we amplify your operations, you'll witness a surge in your business's capabilities a noticeable evolution in your personal life and leadership style.

Here is why this works so well…

Inside Pathfinder™ we foster a culture of shared responsibility and mutual mentorship, bringing together extraordinary individuals who are committed to achieving unparalleled growth. Our collective dynamic naturally highlights when someone isn't meeting our standards. In such cases, we respectfully and constructively address the issue, holding each other accountable. Our approach is simple yet powerful: we are a group of exceptional people, and we expect nothing less than exceptional behavior from every member.

Ready to join?

Do this now:

Watch the Free Training