We’re on a mission to

Help 1 Million Online Business Owners Create a Thriving Hands-off Business

Through Sprint-Systemizing their business, so it runs, optimizes and grows itself.

Transforming lives

We’ve already helped thousands of people start and grow their business in the last 10 years, while building portfolio businesses of our own. We’ve seen businesses and their owners get stuck, grow and overcome the same hurdles a thousand times. This is why we created a unique approach: Sprint-Systemization. With the help of this process we’re able to condense a decades worth of progress in less than a year and help owners get out of the day to day. This allows them to work on their business instead of inside of it, fostering explosive growth and quality of life.

If you talk to business Consultants, they often focus on marketing and sales because these are easy to sell topics. But these consultants are - sometimes unknowingly - keeping a secret. Something so essential, it makes or breaks the business: The strength of a business lies in its autonomous core, underpinned by three critical pillars: Vivid Vision, Clockwork Culture, and Hiring Heroes. Recognizing this, our approach begins at the core. With Pathfinder™ - The Online Business Accelerator we help entrepreneurs to sprint-systemize their business, to create a self-sustaining business that runs itself and scales to multi-six figures per month.

Yes, there is a secret.

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We create authentic, personal and insightful content for our YouTube-channel, that provides daily insights into the life of a business owner.

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Pathfinder™ - The Online Business Accelerator is an elite mastermind, designed to help entrepreneurs sprint-systemize their business, so it runs itself and scales to multi six figures per month without them. 

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Gonzalez Ventures

We launch and scale businesses, primarily throughout Europe and the Middle East. Our portfolio includes consulting businesses, a model agency, consumer brands (pre seed) and real estate.